
Showing posts from September, 2021

It is what it is but...

INTRODUCTION It is no secret that the United States has thousands of innocent people incarcerated who have been denied justice; others may be guilty but their sentence is out of proportion to their part in the crime and they have just as much right to fight for their freedom as the innocent. We may not agree with Florida law but... it is what it is! In 2010 Jennifer Mee, then aged 19, set up a date with a young man she contacted on facebook. He was under the impression that he was going on a date but Jennifer's motive was robbery. They agreed to meet at a certain place and it was at this location that Jennifer and her two male friends mugged the victim, a mugging which ended up fatally when the victim was shot. There is no doubt that none of the trio ever intended to kill the victim but that the one who pulled the trigger got carried away with the moment. Under Florida law, all participants of a fatal robbery are as equally guilty of murder as the one who pulled the trigger. Jen