Sentencing based on social standing
At high school when someone got the cane or strap, the other kids would make fun of the person if they
were not that popular but if they were popular among their peers then after getting the strap or cane it
would always  be, "Mr so and so is a w*****.
It is the same in real life where people get treated according to their personality, attractiveness, and their
social status. 
As far as the American justice system is concerned, I think it would be extremely simplistic to say
"Everyone is treated the same way," and the various sentences handed down by judges reflects this.
The sentencing of Jennifer Mee is a prime example.
She was convicted of first degree murder.
What was her crime?
She participated in a fatal robbery and all those who took part in a robbery where someone dies are equally
guilty of murder whether were directly or indirectly involved in the death.
As far as Jennifer's situation is concerned, it appears that none of the participants ever intended to kill the
victim, but rather he was shot in the process of being mugged.
The severity of the penalty has shocked so many, and the question has to be, "How does this compare with
other cases?"
You just need to read the newspapers or watch the news on TV to know there are cases of murder in the US
where sentences are handed down from 10 years to life.
The question is "Would Jennifer had received the same sentence if she was a police officer, a rock star, a
sports star, or a high profile politician?
Comparing Jennifer's sentence to many others, the answer is an emphatic "NO."
I challenge the politicians to take a look at Jennifer's case and try to justify the sentence she has been given,
so that I and others can at least understand where they are coming from.
In the time that I have been on a letter writing campaign for Jennifer, I have not received a response to my
letters from politicians including the Florida Governor who has the authority to issue a clemency to
those serving life, but one of the criteria for this to happen is the offender (I hate that expression) must
have served at least ten years of their sentence.


  1. In Jennifer's case, she set up a date with a young man after he contacted her on Facebook but robbery rather than romance was her motive; her two male companions carried out the robbery or mugging as it would be more aptly described as. Jennifer's date was shot during the struggle which followed. Federal Defense Attorneys is the best service in California, Los Angeles


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