Options for Jennifer

Options for Jennifer

I read recently how in California the law regarding murder was changed so that those who may have been an accomplice to murder but were convicted and given the same sentence as the one who did the actual murder were re-sentenced or set free. The law was changed so that those who fit the criteria faced a lesser charge.

Criteria is set out for the lesser charge such as a lack of intent or malice.

This fits Jennifer's situation perfectly.

I have repeated this several times over so for the benefit of newcomers to the site, here is the situation:

Jennifer was 19 when she arranged a date with a young man from Facebook. Her motive was robbery, not romance, and with the assistance of her two male friends, robbed the victim at the place which he and Jennifer agreed to meet. It was during the process of the robbery that Jennifer's date was fatally shot.

Under Florida law, all participants in a fatal robbery are equally guilty of murder irrespective of whether they had anything to do with the tragedy.

All three received life without parole sentences.

I have had contact with all three in this situation but mostly Jennifer.

Regarding the California law change which came into force January 1st, 2019, I have written to the Florida governor, Ron Desantis asking if Florida will contemplate a similar law change, but have received no reply so have asked someone in a Facebook group for Jennifer to write to Mr. Desantis because it may be better if someone from Florida write to him.

Watch this space for more updates.



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